The Eating Dilemma

So, I've decided to approach my plan of attack from two angles. The first will be to tackle the eating dilemma. The second..The workout dilemma. (although that's a work in progress). I went to the Dr.'s yesterday and in lieu of trying to conceive she told me that I was borderline overweight. So...with some resistance, I decided to sign up for weight watchers. Today is my first day of my 20 pt. allotment. So far so good. I just need to keep my mind on the positive aspects. My health will improve, this will probably better our chances of getting pregnant. And finally, my clothes will fit me better!

I decided to pay the doc a visit since I'm at high risk for diabetes (all of mother's side suffers from it) and because well, when I get preggers, I don't want gestational diabetes either! So, I need to keep my eye on the goal and press ahead. These things for me, are usually 90% head games, 10% effort. So....Here We Go!!!

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