Last night...was...UH-MAZ-ING! I can't say that I've ever worked my tush off that hard before. Honestly, after joining I've been breaking so many personal records, it's off the charts! Thank you so much to the wonderful ladies of The Rally Room, for all your love and support. The kindness you've showcased is unparallel. I thank you for that. I had a really tough day yesterday, emotionally, and have been really out of it. I won't get into my deplorable eating details for yesterday, well, because today is a new day. I have hope for what's to come. There are things in life sometimes, that we just need to deal with. That's my frame of mind today, I am taking everything head on, becaues quite frankly, I'm a little tired of cowering in fear, and letting my dysfunctional habits and worries get the better of me, and waste all my workout and nutrition efforts. A friend of mine today mentioned her heart was broken. (for really horrible reasons actually) and I don't know what that did to me. It sort of infused me with this protective instinct to really be better, to do better, and to just be there for them. I guess you can say it snapped me out of my funk...This on top of my boundless energy last night has made me giddy and excited for the strength I'm starting to see that I have. Even as I laid in bed last night, I kept thinking..."holy cow..I didn't know I was that strong." Hubby of course tells me I sell myself short. And ya know..he's right.
Here's what I did last night...
10 min. HIIT on the treadmill. (highs 8.3mph /lows 6.0mph)
Leg Press
90lbs x 8
110lbs x 8
130lbs x 8
140lbs x 8 - personal record!
Overhead Tricep Extensions
25lbs x 8
30lbs x 8
35lbs x 8
40lbs x 8 - personal record!
Lateral Pulldowns
60lbs x 8
70lbs x 8
80lbs x 8
90lbs x 6 - personal record!
Calf Raises
60lbs x 8
80lbs x 8
100lbs x 8
120lbs x 8 - personal record!
Lateral Shoulder Raises
10lbs x 8
12lbs x 8
15lbs x 8
15lbs x 8
Dumbell Curls
12lbs x 8
15lbs x 8
17.5lbs x 8
20lbs x 8
Outer Thigh Raises
12lbs x 15
15lbs x 15
17.5lbs x 15
20lbs x 15 - personal record!
Leg Extensions
90lbs x 8
95lbs x 8
100lbs x 8
105lbs x 8
Lying Leg Curls
45lbs x 8
50lbs x 8
55lbs x 8
60lbs x 6 - personal record!
(4 sets of 25 each)
25 crunches
25 oblques - each side
25 lying leg lifts
Bike 10 min. random hills
I tell you, if I keep this up, I am going to wow the socks off of everyone soon! I hope this is just a preview of what the next two weeks are going to look like! Tonight...the agenda calls for HIIT. I can't wait!!!
Safer Sunscreen
7 months ago
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