Over-Indulging, sore and tired...Monday's Workout

I'm not sure I could squeeze anymore complaints into that title if I tired. So there...In reality, I had a great workout last night, but find myself inundated with stress today. It's raining outside, which is nice for a change, its raining a lot actually. I have some ugly little leaks in my roof, and I swear that my dog just flipped me off because he can't go outside...What's a girl to do? Eat chocolate of course. LOL! Not to mention that I have work coming out of my ears. Hmm, lets see, there has to be SOMETHING good about today. Oh yeah! I know, I bought chicken curry over the weekend so no cookin' for me tonight! Still, there's gotta be sumthin else....Oh wait, I know...God is watering my plants. Thank the LORD, they were dying a painfully dry death because of my inability to remember to turn the hose on and water them.

So, back to the wonderful world of fitness and nutrition (I'm bound to snap out of this funk eventually) I delightfully bring you....TADAH!!!~The Workout~ ...(here's where you applaud me) Here's what my old bones cranked out last night.

Warmup Elliptical cross trainer 10 minutes

Giant Set #1

DB Squats
20lbs x 8
25lbs x 8
30lbs x 8
35lbs x 8

Stiff Legged Deadlifts
20lbs x 8
25lbs x 8
30lbs x 8
35lbs x 8

One Arm DB Rows
20lbs x 8
25lbs x 8
30lbs x 8
35lbs x 8

Push Ups - YEHAW, been a long time since I've done these!!!!
0 x 10
0 x 10
0 x 10
0 x 10

Giant Set #2

DB Shoulder Press
15lbs x 8
17.5lbs x 8
20lbs x 8
22.5lbs x 8

Standing Calf Raises
20lbs x 15
0 x 15
0 x 15
0 x 15

DB Curls
12.5lbs x 10
15lbs x 10
17.5lbs x 10
17.5lbs x 10

Overhead Tricep Ext.
25lbs x 8
30lbs x 8
35lbs x 8
40lbs x 8

20 min. HIIT on the Stairmaster
highs: 8
lows: 6ish

It was a great workout overall, but I just took too long I think. I had to come home and keep working last night. So I didn't get to bed until waaaay too late. I think that's going to be my goal moving forward...At least until after tonight. Is to start getting 8 solid hours of sleep. I think my tiredness might be contributing to my overeating. Because I'm in buffing mode and my weight hasn't moved an inch.

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